Monday, February 9, 2009

Hit Hard... Financial Hardship...

I got very sick my whole family did. We have never been so sick as were were all last week. Greg missed the whole week of work. Girls missed the whole week of school. Brandan didn't get sick until Saturday. I dont think I have ever been so sick. I really think living in such a small space together really contributed to how sick and how long we have been sick for. I keep disinfecting everything but it hasnt seemed to work. We really are living on top of each other. Its very small. (We do have a place to live, I am thankful) :)

It was nasty. High fevers, bad colds, body aches. I get really high fevers 104 to 105. I have my whole life. It gets so bad where your head feels like its going to explode the pain is crazy, 2 of my kids are the same, scary.

I am still feeling icky but not deathly like I was. Kids are still sick. I am taking them back to the doctor tomorrow.

Greg went back to work today. Iam trying to get my butt in gear and get myself going again. I need to have a kick ass day tomorrow. I have alot to do in a little time... Pressure is on...

Greg missing a whole week of work and me missing close to it has really put us behind and it will hurt us financially very hard. Not good.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not So Lucky...

Greg is very sick and now all 3 of my girls are too. I am now feeling sick too. It is starting to hit me hard.

Feeling frustrated and down... I cant stand being sick. I have so much pressure on me and so much to do... I dont need this, argh.....

Brandan only one not sick, thankfully....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Family Starting to Get Sick.... RUN....

Greg and two girls, Jayde and Savannah are sick. This is not good. I can not afford to get sick right now. I am pumping the vitamin c big time right now. I worked all weekend. Things take so much time it drives me crazy. I met with my partner and we worked on several projects together.

We outlined our business plan again and worked on our revenue model again. It is adjusting as our products are adjusting and becoming more clear and defined. I am hoping to have that part completed to a certain extent in the next two weeks.

I will be going to the Dallas Cash Machine in February. I am super excited about that. I am looking forward to sharing my story and sharing what I am currently working on and my progress to date with others.

I continue to be amazed at my mindset today versus six months ago. Loral has changed my life completely. This experience has really changed my family for the better in every way. I cant imagine how awful things would be had we not met Loral and the Dr. Phil Show.

I am blessed and I need to work on remembering that when I am feeling frustrated at my current living situation and all that we have lost and all the hardship we have suffered.

I am praying I will not get sick.. :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Teachers Meeting, Went Great... Business Meeting, Went Great...

Knock on wood but both my meetings today went great. I first went to the school and met with Brandan and his all his teachers. Other than his Health Teacher from his health journal no one knew what has been going on in our life.

They felt incredible empathetic towards Brandan. They worked out a plan for him to catch up on his school work. He has always been an excellent student almost straight A, this is very unlike him.

I am going to get counseling for him too to help him deal with all the issues that cause him alot of stress.

After lunch I met with a client from the Cash Machine Workshop and we worked together on his Cash Machine. I helped shape his business and outline a marketing strategy. I love it! Great guy, I am extremely excited to be part of his team for his Cash Machine.

Things are good, today!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dr. Phil Show - Possible Update Show Next Month

Today I got a email from the Dr. Phil Show about updating our family before the season ends. This is exciting, this time. It feels much better telling the world good things that are going on. I cant wait to share with the world all the knowledge and mentoring and coaching Loral and the Live Out Loud team have given me.

I want to let the world know, Loral is the "Real" Deal. Things have been very hard on our family and it would be nice to shed a little hope and light on our life and share what I have been up to these past few months.

Kids are excited to be on the show again. Girls are to little of course to really understand. Brandan would like to share the good that is happening. It really reminds me of how incredibly lucky my family and I are to be blessed to have the show and Loral in our life.

What an opportunity. Everyone can have Loral and her team coach them, go check out the current events. Attend one, check out her website, free webinars. Its amazing.

I meet with Brandan's teachers tomorrow morning. Brandan is very glad we are meeting and really wants help in getting back on track. Thankfully he still has another 6 weeks to bring his grades up before the trimester ends...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Studying and Researching...

I have been spending alot of time studying and researching all different avenues of the Internet as far as marketing outlets and opportunities. To be very successful I have to be very good at what I do. I am feeling pretty good right now about the service I can offer a client.

I have found many unique ways to market and advertise on the Internet. My research has helped me alot. I am working on writing them down in a EBook format that will later be on my website for purchase.

The Internet is amazing the possibilities it continues to open for Marketing is crazy...

If you haven't jumped into the Internet world of Marketing your missing a huge opportunity to grow and expand your business.

I am also working on EBooks on several different Marketing Tools. Things are moving forward, things are good!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Family Life Update...

I havent posted about the "Family" life lately. With Greg and I things are impoving. Still hard at times and still alot of stress. We still struggle with time managment. I still find myself staying up most of the night working with very little sleep. Its hard but it wont be forever.

Kids are still struggling with the move. Brandan is really having a hard time. I am pretty worried about him. He is struggling in school. He has a GPA of 3.87 and now for the first time ever has C's and D's.

His teacher called me the other day worried about him. He is not doing his homework and not studying for his tests. He seems down. It has really been a hard road this past year and it has finally catched up with him.

I read Brandan's Health Journal he wrote about 10 stresses in his life for school. It was heart breaking. I feel like I should have protected him better from the financial crisis our family has suffered. At 13 years old I dont know how I could have. He came home to find one of the many notices of foreclosure on our door. That was very frightening to him.

He is worried about alot of things and very few of them are what a normal 13 year should be worried about. Biggest one is money and having a place to live. Divorce is a concern as well. Worried about what his friends think about his family what they think of us losing our home and moving into a apartment.

We live in a very small apartment. The six of us live in 1100 square feet apartment. We are on top of each other. It has been quite the adjustment of life. The kids can no longer go out front and ride their bikes. While I cooked dinner Brandan used to work on his homework and go play football outside. That is gone.

I had a long talk with Brandan. He is struggling to focus with all the distraction in the house with the girls after school. He finds it hard to do his homework and study. I have a meeting with his teachers next week. That should help with coming up with a plan to help Brandan get back on track.

The girls are struggling as well. My youngest daughter is scared to be without me and freaks out when I leave the house. She asks multiple times a day to go back to our old house. It breaks my heart. It hurts to see my kids hurting. That is also my motivation to work my butt off and provide a better life for them.

It will get better and that is all I can do is reassure them. I was telling Brandan yesterday that I know it doesn't seem like it but things are getting better slowing even if he doesn't see it yet. A year ago we had no hope before meeting Loral. We were just barely surviving with no opportunity for things to get better.

Today I have this incredible opportunity with all I have learned from Loral and the Live Out Loud Team. Today I am making new cash and have more control over over future than we had six months ago. Today we have hope. Today I have a Cash Machine that is a budding business.

All you can do is love them and reassure them and try to let them just be kids and not worry about the adult concerns. Be Patient, Brandan things are getting better.... I promise.